Protocol Documentation

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An opaque token associated with an entity object used to implement optimistic concurrency control.

Field Type Label Description
value string


A unique ID assigned to offers from a host.

Field Type Label Description
value string


A unique ID assigned to a Job. This is a UUID in RFC4122 format.

Field Type Label Description
value string


Key, value pair used to store free form user-data.

Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


Opaque data passed to Peloton from the client. Passing an empty string in the structure will unset the existing data.

Field Type Label Description
data string


A unique ID assigned to a pod. It should be treated as an opaque token.

Field Type Label Description
value string


A unique name assigned to a pod. By default, the pod name is in the format of JobID-<InstanceID>.

Field Type Label Description
value string


A unique ID assigned to a Resource Pool. This is a UUID in RFC4122 format.

Field Type Label Description
value string


Revision of an entity info, such as JobSpec etc.

Field Type Label Description
version uint64 Version number of the entity info which is monotonically increasing. Clients can use this to guide against race conditions using MVCC.
created_at uint64 The timestamp when the entity info is created
updated_at uint64 The timestamp when the entity info is updated
updated_by string The user or service that updated the entity info


Secret is used to store secrets per job and contains ID, absolute container mount path and base64 encoded secret data

Field Type Label Description
secret_id SecretID UUID of the secret
path string Path at which the secret file will be mounted in the container
value Secret.Value Secret value


Field Type Label Description
data bytes Secret data as byte array


A unique ID assigned to a Secret. This is a UUID in RFC4122 format.

Field Type Label Description
value string


Time range specified by min and max timestamps. Time range is left closed and right open: [min, max)

Field Type Label Description
min .google.protobuf.Timestamp
max .google.protobuf.Timestamp


A unique ID assigned to a Volume. This is a UUID in RFC4122 format.

Field Type Label Description
value string




Order by clause of a query

Field Type Label Description
order OrderBy.Order
property PropertyPath


Generic pagination for a list of records to be returned by a query

Field Type Label Description
offset uint32 Offset of the pagination for a query result
limit uint32 Limit of the pagination for a query result
total uint32 Total number of records for a query result


Pagination query spec used as argument to queries that returns a Pagination result.

Field Type Label Description
offset uint32 Offset of the query for pagination
limit uint32 Limit per page of the query for pagination
order_by OrderBy repeated List of fields to be order by in sequence
max_limit uint32 Max limit of the pagination result.


A dot separated path to a object property such as or runtime.creationTime for a job object.

Field Type Label Description
value string


Name Number Description




AndConstraint represents a logical 'and' of constraints.

Field Type Label Description
constraints Constraint repeated


Constraint represents a host label constraint or a related pods label constraint. This is used to require that a host have certain label constraints or to require that the pods already running on the host have certain label constraints.

Field Type Label Description
type Constraint.Type
label_constraint LabelConstraint
and_constraint AndConstraint
or_constraint OrConstraint


A single application container running inside a pod

Field Type Label Description
name string Name of the container. Each container in a pod must have a unique name. Cannot be updated.
resource ResourceSpec Resource config of the container
container .mesos.v1.ContainerInfo Container config of the container
command .mesos.v1.CommandInfo Command line config of the container
executor .mesos.v1.ExecutorInfo Custom executor config of the task.
liveness_check HealthCheckSpec Liveness health check config of the container
readiness_check HealthCheckSpec Readiness health check config of the container This is currently not supported.
ports PortSpec repeated List of network ports to be allocated for the pod


Runtime status of a container in a pod

Field Type Label Description
name string Name of the container
state ContainerState Runtime state of the container
ports ContainerStatus.PortsEntry repeated Dynamic ports reserved on the host while this container is running
message string The message that explains the current state of a container such as why the container is failed. Only track the latest one if the container has been retried and failed multiple times.
reason string The reason that explains the current state of a container. Only track the latest one if the container has been retried and failed multiple times.
failure_count uint32 The number of times the container has failed after retries.
healthy HealthStatus The result of the health check
image string The image the container is running
start_time string The time when the container starts to run. Will be unset if the pod hasn't started running yet. The time is represented in RFC3339 form with UTC timezone.
completion_time string The time when the container terminated. Will be unset if the pod hasn't completed yet. The time is represented in RFC3339 form with UTC timezone.
terminationStatus TerminationStatus Termination status of the task. Set only if the task is in a non-successful terminal state such as CONTAINER_STATE_FAILED or CONTAINER_STATE_KILLED.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value uint32


Health check configuration for a container

Field Type Label Description
enabled bool Whether the health check is enabled.
initial_interval_secs uint32 Start time wait in seconds. Zero or empty value would use default value of 15 from Mesos.
interval_secs uint32 Interval in seconds between two health checks. Zero or empty value would use default value of 10 from Mesos.
max_consecutive_failures uint32 Max number of consecutive failures before failing health check. Zero or empty value would use default value of 3 from Mesos.
timeout_secs uint32 Health check command timeout in seconds. Zero or empty value would use default value of 20 from Mesos.
type HealthCheckSpec.HealthCheckType
command_check HealthCheckSpec.CommandCheck Only applicable when type is COMMAND.


Field Type Label Description
command string Health check command to be executed. Note that this command by default inherits all environment varibles from the container it's monitoring, unless unshare_environments is set to true.
unshare_environments bool If set, this check will not share the environment variables of the container.


The result of the health check

Field Type Label Description
state HealthState The health check state
output string The output of the health check run


Pod InstanceID range [from, to)

Field Type Label Description
from uint32
to uint32


LabelConstraint represents a constraint on the number of occurrences of a given label from the set of host labels or pod labels present on the host.

Field Type Label Description
kind LabelConstraint.Kind Determines which labels the constraint should apply to.
condition LabelConstraint.Condition Determines which constraint there should be on the number of occurrences of the label.
label .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Label The label which this defines a constraint on: For Kind == HOST, each attribute on Mesos agent is transformed to a label, with hostname as a special label which is always inferred from agent hostname and set.
requirement uint32 A limit on the number of occurrences of the label.


OrConstraint represents a logical 'or' of constraints.

Field Type Label Description
constraints Constraint repeated


Persistent volume configuration for a pod.

Field Type Label Description
container_path string Volume mount path inside container.
size_mb uint32 Volume size in MB.


Pod events of a particular run of a job instance.

Field Type Label Description
pod_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodID The current pod ID
actual_state string Actual state of a pod
desired_state string Goal State of a pod
timestamp string The time when the event was created. The time is represented in RFC3339 form with UTC timezone.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The entity version currently used by the pod.
desired_version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The desired entity version that should be used by the pod.
agent_id string The agentID for the pod
hostname string The host on which the pod is running
message string Short human friendly message explaining state.
reason string The short reason for the pod event
prev_pod_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodID The previous pod ID
healthy string The health check result of the pod
desired_pod_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodID The desired pod ID


Info of a pod in a Job

Field Type Label Description
spec PodSpec Configuration of the pod
status PodStatus Runtime status of the pod


Pod configuration for a given job instance Note that only add string/slice/ptr type into PodConfig directly due to the limitation of go reflection inside our pod specific config logic.

Field Type Label Description
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName Name of the pod
labels .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Label repeated List of user-defined labels for the pod
init_containers ContainerSpec repeated List of initialization containers belonging to the pod. These containers are assumed to run to completion and are executed in order prior to containers being started. If any init container fails, the pod is considered to have failed. Init containers cannot be configured to have readiness or liveness health checks.
containers ContainerSpec repeated List of containers belonging to the pod. These will be started in parallel after init containers terminate. There must be at least one container in a pod.
constraint Constraint Constraint on the attributes of the host or labels on pods on the host that this pod should run on. Use AndConstraint/OrConstraint to compose multiple constraints if necessary.
restart_policy RestartPolicy Pod restart policy on failures
volume PersistentVolumeSpec Persistent volume config of the pod.
preemption_policy PreemptionPolicy Preemption policy of the pod
controller bool Whether this is a controller pod. A controller is a special batch pod which controls other pods inside a job. E.g. spark driver pods in a spark job will be a controller pod.
kill_grace_period_seconds uint32 This is used to set the amount of time between when the executor sends the SIGTERM message to gracefully terminate a pod and when it kills it by sending SIGKILL. If you do not set the grace period duration the default is 30 seconds.
revocable bool revocable represents pod to use physical or slack resources.


Runtime status of a pod instance in a Job

Field Type Label Description
state PodState Runtime state of the pod
pod_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodID The current pod ID for this pod
start_time string The time when the pod starts to run. Will be unset if the pod hasn't started running yet. The time is represented in RFC3339 form with UTC timezone.
completion_time string The time when the pod is completed. Will be unset if the pod hasn't completed yet. The time is represented in RFC3339 form with UTC timezone.
host string The name of the host where the pod is running
init_containers_status ContainerStatus repeated Status of the init containers.
containers_status ContainerStatus repeated Status of the containers.
desired_state PodState The desired state of the pod which should be eventually reached by the system.
message string The message that explains the current state of a pod.
reason string The reason that explains the current state of a pod. See Mesos TaskStatus.Reason for more details.
failure_count uint32 The number of times the pod has failed after retries.
volume_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.VolumeID persistent volume id
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The entity version currently used by the pod. TODO Avoid leaking job abstractions into public pod APIs. Remove after internal protobuf structures are defined.
desired_version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The desired entity version that should be used by the pod. TODO Avoid leaking job abstractions into public pod APIs. Remove after internal protobuf structures are defined.
agent_id .mesos.v1.AgentID the id of mesos agent on the host to be launched.
revision .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Revision Revision of the current pod status.
prev_pod_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodID The pod id of the previous pod.
resource_usage PodStatus.ResourceUsageEntry repeated The resource usage for this pod. The map key is each resource kind in string format and the map value is the number of unit-seconds of that resource used by the job. Example: if a pod that uses 1 CPU and finishes in 10 seconds, this map will contain <"cpu":10>
desired_pod_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodID The desired pod ID for this pod
desiredHost string The name of the host where the pod should be running on upon restart. It is used for best effort in-place update/restart.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value double


Summary information about a pod

Field Type Label Description
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName Name of the pod
status PodStatus Runtime status of the pod


Network port configuration for a container

Field Type Label Description
name string Name of the network port, e.g. http, tchannel. Required field.
value uint32 Static port number if any. If unset, will be dynamically allocated by the scheduler
env_name string Environment variable name to be exported when running a container for this port. Required field for dynamic port.


Preemption policy for a pod

Field Type Label Description
kill_on_preempt bool This policy defines if the pod should be restarted after it is preempted. If set to true the pod will not be rescheduled after it is preempted. If set to false the pod will be rescheduled. Defaults to false


QuerySpec specifies the list of query criteria for pods. All indexed fields should be part of this message. And all fields in this message have to be indexed too.

Field Type Label Description
pagination .peloton.api.v1alpha.query.PaginationSpec The spec of how to do pagination for the query results.
pod_states PodState repeated List of pod states to query the pods. Will match all pods if the list is empty.
names .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName repeated List of pod names to query the pods. Will match all names if the list is empty.
hosts string repeated List of hosts to query the pods. Will match all hosts if the list is empty.


Resource configuration for a container.

Field Type Label Description
cpu_limit double CPU limit in number of CPU cores
mem_limit_mb double Memory limit in MB
disk_limit_mb double Disk limit in MB
fd_limit uint32 File descriptor limit
gpu_limit double GPU limit in number of GPUs


Restart policy for a pod.

Field Type Label Description
max_failures uint32 Max number of pod failures can occur before giving up scheduling retry, no backoff for now. Default 0 means no retry on failures.


TerminationStatus contains details about termination of a task. It mainly contains Peloton-specific reasons for termination.

Field Type Label Description
reason TerminationStatus.Reason Reason for termination.
exit_code uint32 If non-zero, exit status when the container terminated.
signal string Name of signal received by the container when it terminated.


Name Number Description
CONSTRAINT_TYPE_INVALID 0 Reserved for compatibility.


Runtime states of a container in a pod

Name Number Description
CONTAINER_STATE_PENDING 1 The container has not been created yet
CONTAINER_STATE_LAUNCHED 2 The container has been launched
CONTAINER_STATE_STARTING 3 The container is being started on a host
CONTAINER_STATE_RUNNING 4 The container is running on a host
CONTAINER_STATE_SUCCEEDED 5 The container terminated with an exit code of zero
CONTAINER_STATE_FAILED 6 The container terminated with a non-zero exit code
CONTAINER_STATE_KILLING 7 The container is being killed
CONTAINER_STATE_KILLED 8 Execution of the container was terminated by the system


Name Number Description
HEALTH_CHECK_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0 Reserved for future compatibility of new types.
HEALTH_CHECK_TYPE_COMMAND 1 Command line based health check
HEALTH_CHECK_TYPE_HTTP 2 HTTP endpoint based health check
HEALTH_CHECK_TYPE_GRPC 3 gRPC based health check


HealthState is the health check state of a container

Name Number Description
HEALTH_STATE_DISABLED 1 If the health check config is not enabled in the container config, then the health state is DISABLED.
HEALTH_STATE_UNKNOWN 2 If the health check config is enabled in the container config, but the container has not reported the output of the health check yet, then the health state is UNKNOWN.
HEALTH_STATE_HEALTHY 3 In a Mesos event, If the healthy field is true and the reason field is REASON_TASK_HEALTH_CHECK_STATUS_UPDATED the health state of the container is HEALTHY
HEALTH_STATE_UNHEALTHY 4 In a Mesos event, If the healthy field is false and the reason field is REASON_TASK_HEALTH_CHECK_STATUS_UPDATED the health state of the container is UNHEALTHY


Condition represents a constraint on the number of occurrences of the label.

Name Number Description


Kind represents whatever the constraint applies to the labels on the host or to the labels of the pods that are located on the host.

Name Number Description


Runtime states of a pod instance

Name Number Description
POD_STATE_INVALID 0 Invalid state.
POD_STATE_INITIALIZED 1 The pod is being initialized
POD_STATE_PENDING 2 The pod is pending and waiting for resources
POD_STATE_READY 3 The pod has been allocated with resources and ready for placement
POD_STATE_PLACING 4 The pod is being placed to a host based on its resource requirements and constraints
POD_STATE_PLACED 5 The pod has been assigned to a host matching the resource requirements and constraints
POD_STATE_LAUNCHING 6 The pod is taken from resmgr to be launched
POD_STATE_LAUNCHED 7 The pod is being launched in Job manager
POD_STATE_STARTING 8 Either init containers are starting/running or the main containers in the pod are being started by Mesos agent
POD_STATE_RUNNING 9 All containers in the pod are running
POD_STATE_SUCCEEDED 10 All containers in the pod terminated with an exit code of zero
POD_STATE_FAILED 11 At least on container in the pod terminated with a non-zero exit code
POD_STATE_LOST 12 The pod is lost
POD_STATE_KILLING 13 The pod is being killed
POD_STATE_KILLED 14 At least one of the containers in the pod was terminated by the system
POD_STATE_PREEMPTING 15 The pod is being preempted by another one on the node
POD_STATE_DELETED 16 The pod is to be deleted after termination


Reason lists various causes for a task termination

Name Number Description
TERMINATION_STATUS_REASON_KILLED_ON_REQUEST 1 Task was killed because a stop request was received from a client.
TERMINATION_STATUS_REASON_FAILED 2 Task failed. See also TerminationStatus.exit_code, TerminationStatus.signal and ContainerStatus.message.
TERMINATION_STATUS_REASON_KILLED_HOST_MAINTENANCE 3 Task was killed to put the host in to maintenance.
TERMINATION_STATUS_REASON_PREEMPTED_RESOURCES 4 Tasked was killed to reclaim resources allocated to it.




Field Type Label Description
hostname string The hostname of the host
ip string The IP address of the host
state HostState The current state of the host


Name Number Description
HOST_STATE_UNKNOWN 1 Reserved for future compatibility of new states.
HOST_STATE_UP 2 The host is healthy
HOST_STATE_DRAINING 3 The tasks running on the host are being rescheduled. There will be no further placement of tasks on the host
HOST_STATE_DRAINED 4 There are no tasks running on the host and is ready to be put into maintenance.
HOST_STATE_DOWN 5 The host is in maintenance.




The max limit of resources CONTROLLER(see TaskType) tasks can use in this resource pool. This is defined as a percentage of the resource pool's reservation. If undefined there is no maximum limit for controller tasks i.e. controller tasks will not be treated differently. For eg if the resource pool's reservation is defined as:

cpu:100 mem:1000 disk:1000 gpu:10

And the ControllerLimit = 10 ,Then the maximum resources the controller tasks can use is 10% of the reservation, i.e.

cpu:10 mem:100 disk:100 gpu:1

Field Type Label Description
max_percent double


Field Type Label Description
respool_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID Resource Pool Id
spec ResourcePoolSpec ResourcePool spec
parent .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID Resource Pool's parent TODO: parent duplicated from ResourcePoolConfig
children .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID repeated Resource Pool's children
usages ResourceUsage repeated Resource usage for each resource kind
path ResourcePoolPath Resource Pool Path


A fully qualified path to a resource pool in a resource pool hierrarchy. The path to a resource pool can be defined as an absolute path, starting from the root node and separated by a slash.

The resource hierarchy is anchored at a node called the root, designated by a slash "/".

For the below resource hierarchy ; the "compute" resource pool would be desgignated by path: /infrastructure/compute root ├─ infrastructure │ └─ compute └─ marketplace

Field Type Label Description
value string


Resource Pool configuration

Field Type Label Description
revision .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Revision Revision of the Resource Pool config
name string Name of the resource pool
owning_team string Owning team of the pool
ldap_groups string repeated LDAP groups of the pool
description string Description of the resource pool
resources ResourceSpec repeated Resource config of the Resource Pool
parent .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID Resource Pool's parent
policy SchedulingPolicy Task Scheduling policy
controller_limit ControllerLimit The controller limit for this resource pool
slack_limit SlackLimit Cap on max non-slack resources[mem,disk] in percentage that can be used by revocable task.


Resource configuration for a resource

Field Type Label Description
kind string Type of the resource
reservation double Reservation/min of the resource
limit double Limit of the resource
share double Share on the resource pool
type ReservationType ReservationType indicates the the type of reservation There are two kind of reservation 1. ELASTIC 2. STATIC


Field Type Label Description
kind string Type of the resource
allocation double Allocation of the resource
slack double slack is the resource which is allocated but not used and mesos will give those resources as revocable offers


The max limit of resources REVOCABLE(see TaskType) tasks can use in this resource pool. This is defined as a percentage of the resource pool's reservation. If undefined there is no maximum limit for revocable tasks i.e. revocable tasks will not be treated differently. For eg if the resource pool's reservation is defined as:

cpu:100 mem:1000 disk:1000

And the SlackLimit = 10 ,Then the maximum resources the revocable tasks can use is 10% of the reservation, i.e.

mem:100 disk:100

For cpu, it will use revocable resources.

Field Type Label Description
maxPercent double


ReservationType indicates reservation type for the resourcepool

Name Number Description
RESERVATION_TYPE_ELASTIC 1 ELASTIC reservation enables resource pool to be elastic in reservation , which means other resource pool can take resources from this resource pool as well as this resource pool also can take resources from any other resource pool. This is the by default behavior for the resource pool
RESERVATION_TYPE_STATIC 2 STATIC reservation enables resource pool to be static in reservation , which means irrespective of the demand this resource pool will have atleast reservation as entitlement value. No other resource pool can take resources from this resource pool. If demand for this resource pool is high it can take resources from other resource pools. By default value for reservation type ELASTIC.


Scheduling policy for Resource Pool.

Name Number Description
SCHEDULING_POLICY_PRIORITY_FIFO 1 This scheduling policy will return item for highest priority in FIFO order




PodFilter specifies the pod(s) to watch. Watch on pods is restricted to a single job.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The JobID of the pods that will be monitored. Mandatory.
pod_names .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName repeated Names of the pods to watch. If empty, all pods in the job will be monitored.


StatelessJobFilter specifies the job(s) to watch.

Field Type Label Description
job_ids .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID repeated The IDs of the jobs to watch. If unset, all jobs will be monitored.




Persistent volume information.

Field Type Label Description
volume_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.VolumeID ID of the persistent volume.
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName ID of the pod that owns the volume.
hostname string Hostname of the persisted volume.
state VolumeState Current state of the volume.
desired_state VolumeState Goal state of the volume.
size_mb uint32 Volume size in MB.
container_path string Volume mount path inside container.
create_time string Volume creation time.
update_time string Volume info last update time.


States of a persistent volume

Name Number Description
VOLUME_STATE_INVALID 0 Reserved for future compatibility of new states.
VOLUME_STATE_INITIALIZED 1 The persistent volume is being initialized.
VOLUME_STATE_CREATED 2 The persistent volume is created successfully.
VOLUME_STATE_DELETED 3 The persistent volume is deleted.




Request message for PodService.BrowsePodSandbox method

Field Type Label Description
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName The pod name.
pod_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodID Get the sandbox path of a particular pod identified using the pod identifier. If not provided, the sandbox path for the latest pod is returned.


Response message for PodService.BrowsePodSandbox method Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the pod is not found. ABORT: if the pod has not been run.

Field Type Label Description
hostname string The hostname of the sandbox.
port string The port of the sandbox.
paths string repeated The list of sandbox file paths. TODO: distinguish files and directories in the sandbox
mesos_master_hostname string Mesos Master hostname and port.
mesos_master_port string


Request message for PodService.DeletePodEvents method

Field Type Label Description
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName The pod name.
pod_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodID Delete the events of a particular pod identified using the pod identifier.


Response message for PodService.DeletePodEvents method Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the pod is not found.


Request message for PodService.GetPodCache method

Field Type Label Description
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName The pod name.


Response message for PodService.GetPodCache method Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the pod is not found.

Field Type Label Description
status .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.PodStatus The runtime status of the pod.


Request message for PodService.GetPodEvents method

Field Type Label Description
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName The pod name.
pod_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodID Get the events of a particular pod identified using the pod identifier. If not provided, events for the latest pod are returned.


Response message for PodService.GetPodEvents method Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the pod is not found.

Field Type Label Description
events .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.PodEvent repeated


Request message for PodService.GetPod method

Field Type Label Description
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName The pod name.
status_only bool If set to true, only return the pod status and not the configuration.


Response message for PodService.GetPod method Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the pod is not found.

Field Type Label Description
current .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.PodInfo Returns the status and configuration (if requested) for the current run of the pod.
previous .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.PodInfo repeated Returns the status and configuration (if requested) for previous runs of the pod.


Request message for PodService.RefreshPod method

Field Type Label Description
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName The pod name.


Response message for PodService.RefreshPod method Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the pod is not found.


Request message for PodService.RestartPod method

Field Type Label Description
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName The pod name.


Response message for PodService.RestartPod method Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the pod is not found.


Request message for PodService.StartPod method

Field Type Label Description
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName The pod name.


Response message for PodService.StartPod method Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the pod is not found.


Request message for PodService.StopPod method

Field Type Label Description
pod_name .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName The pod name.


Response message for PodService.StopPod method Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the pod is not found.


Pod service defines the pod related methods.

Methods which mutate the state of the pod.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
StartPod StartPodRequest StartPodResponse Start the pod. Will be a no-op for pod that is currently running. The pod is started asynchronously after the API call returns.
StopPod StopPodRequest StopPodResponse Stop the pod. Will be no-op for a pod that is currently stopped. The pod is stopped asynchronously after the API call returns.
RestartPod RestartPodRequest RestartPodResponse Restart a the pod. Will start a pod that is currently stopped. Will first stop the pod that is currently running and then start it again. This is an asynchronous call.
GetPod GetPodRequest GetPodResponse Get the info of a pod in a job. Return the current run as well as the terminal state of previous runs.
GetPodEvents GetPodEventsRequest GetPodEventsResponse Get the state transitions for a pod (pod events) for a given run of the pod.
BrowsePodSandbox BrowsePodSandboxRequest BrowsePodSandboxResponse Return the list of file paths inside the sandbox for a given run of a pod. The client can use the Mesos Agent HTTP endpoints to read and download the files.
RefreshPod RefreshPodRequest RefreshPodResponse Allows user to load pod runtime state from DB and re-execute the action associated with current state.
GetPodCache GetPodCacheRequest GetPodCacheResponse Get the cache of a pod stored in Peloton.
DeletePodEvents DeletePodEventsRequest DeletePodEventsResponse Delete the events of a given run of a pod. This is used to prevent the events for a given pod from growing without bounds.




Request message for HostService.CompleteMaintenance method.

Field Type Label Description
hostnames string repeated List of hosts put be brought back up


Response message for HostService.CompleteMaintenance method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the hosts are not found.


Request message for HostService.QueryHosts method.

Field Type Label Description
host_states repeated List of host states to query the hosts. Will return all hosts if the list is empty.


Response message for HostService.QueryHosts method. Return errors:

Field Type Label Description
host_infos repeated List of hosts that match the host query criteria.


Request message for HostService.StartMaintenance method.

Field Type Label Description
hostnames string repeated List of hosts to be put into maintenance


Response message for HostService.StartMaintenance method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the hosts are not found.


HostService defines the host related methods such as query hosts, start maintenance, complete maintenance etc.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
QueryHosts QueryHostsRequest QueryHostsResponse Get hosts which are in one of the specified states
StartMaintenance StartMaintenanceRequest StartMaintenanceResponse Start maintenance on the specified hosts
CompleteMaintenance CompleteMaintenanceRequest CompleteMaintenanceResponse Complete maintenance on the specified hosts




Request message for ResourcePoolService.CreateResourcePool method.

Field Type Label Description
respool_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID The unique resource pool UUID specified by the client. This can be used by the client to re-create a failed resource pool without the side-effect of creating duplicated resource pool. If unset, the server will create a new UUID for the resource pool.
spec ResourcePoolSpec The detailed configuration of the resource pool be to created.


Response message for ResourcePoolService.CreateResourcePool method. Return errors: ALREADY_EXISTS: if the resource pool already exists. INVALID_ARGUMENT: if the resource pool config is invalid.

Field Type Label Description
respool_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID The ID of the newly created resource pool.


Request message for ResourcePoolService.DeleteResourcePool method.

Field Type Label Description
respool_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID The ID of the resource pool to be deleted.


Response message for ResourcePoolService.DeleteResourcePool method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the resource pool is not found. INVALID_ARGUMENT: if the resource pool is not leaf node. FAILED_PRECONDITION: if the resource pool is busy. INTERNAL: if the resource pool fail to delete for internal errors.


Request message for ResourcePoolService.GetResourcePool method.

Field Type Label Description
respool_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID The ID of the resource pool to get the detailed information.
include_child_pools bool Whether or not to include the resource pool info of the direct children


Response message for ResourcePoolService.GetResourcePool method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the resource pool is not found.

Field Type Label Description
respool ResourcePoolInfo The detailed information of the resource pool.
child_respools ResourcePoolInfo repeated The list of child resource pools.


Request message for ResourcePoolService.LookupResourcePoolID method.

Field Type Label Description
path ResourcePoolPath The resource pool path to look up the resource pool ID.


Response message for ResourcePoolService.LookupResourcePoolID method. Response message for ResourcePoolService.UpdateResourcePool method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the resource pool is not found. INVALID_ARGUMENT: if the resource pool path is invalid.

Field Type Label Description
respool_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID The resource pool ID for the given resource pool path.


Request message for ResourcePoolService.QueryResourcePools method.

TODO Filters


Response message for ResourcePoolService.QueryResourcePools method. Return errors:

Field Type Label Description
respools ResourcePoolInfo repeated


Request message for ResourcePoolService.UpdateResourcePool method.

Field Type Label Description
respool_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID The ID of the resource pool to update the configuration.
spec ResourcePoolSpec The configuration of the resource pool to be updated.


Response message for ResourcePoolService.UpdateResourcePool method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the resource pool is not found.


ResourcePoolService defines the resource pool related methods such as create, get, delete and upgrade resource pools.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
CreateResourcePool CreateResourcePoolRequest CreateResourcePoolResponse Create a resource pool entity for a given config
GetResourcePool GetResourcePoolRequest GetResourcePoolResponse Get the resource pool entity
DeleteResourcePool DeleteResourcePoolRequest DeleteResourcePoolResponse Delete a resource pool entity
UpdateResourcePool UpdateResourcePoolRequest UpdateResourcePoolResponse Modify a resource pool entity
LookupResourcePoolID LookupResourcePoolIDRequest LookupResourcePoolIDResponse Lookup the resource pool ID for a given resource pool path
QueryResourcePools QueryResourcePoolsRequest QueryResourcePoolsResponse Query the resource pools.




Configuration of a job creation.

Field Type Label Description
batch_size uint32 Batch size for the creation which controls how many instances may be created at the same time.
max_instance_retries uint32 Maximum number of times a failing instance will be retried during the creation. If the value is 0, the instance can be retried for infinite times.
max_tolerable_instance_failures uint32 Maximum number of instance failures before the creation is declared to be failed. If the value is 0, there is no limit for max failure instances and the creation is marked successful even if all of the instances fail.
start_paused bool If set to true, indicates that the creation should start in the paused state, requiring an explicit resume to roll forward.


Information of a job, such as job spec and status

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID Job ID
spec JobSpec Job configuration
status JobStatus Job runtime status


Stateless job configuration.

Field Type Label Description
revision .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Revision Revision of the job config
name string Name of the job
owner string Owner of the job
owning_team string Owning team of the job
ldap_groups string repeated LDAP groups of the job
description string Description of the job
labels .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Label repeated List of user-defined labels for the job
instance_count uint32 Number of instances of the job
sla SlaSpec SLA config of the job
default_spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.PodSpec Default pod configuration of the job
instance_spec JobSpec.InstanceSpecEntry repeated Instance specific pod config which overwrites the default one
respool_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID Resource Pool ID where this job belongs to


Field Type Label Description
key uint32
value .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.PodSpec


The current runtime status of a Job.

Field Type Label Description
revision .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Revision Revision of the current job status. Version in the revision is incremented every time job status changes. Thus, it can be used to order the different job status updates.
state JobState State of the job
creation_time string The time when the job was created. The time is represented in RFC3339 form with UTC timezone.
pod_stats JobStatus.PodStatsEntry repeated The number of pods grouped by each pod state. The map key is the pod.PodState in string format and the map value is the number of tasks in the particular state.
desired_state JobState Goal state of the job.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job. It is used to implement optimistic concurrency control for all job write APIs. The current job configuration can be fetched based on the current resource version.
workflow_status WorkflowStatus Status of ongoing update/restart workflow.
pod_configuration_version_stats JobStatus.PodConfigurationVersionStatsEntry repeated The number of tasks grouped by which configuration version they are on. The map key is the job configuration version and the map value is the number of tasks using that particular job configuration version. The job configuration version in the map key can be fed as the value of the entity version in the GetJobRequest to fetch the job configuration.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value uint32


Field Type Label Description
key string
value uint32


Summary of job spec and status. The summary will be returned by List or Query API calls. These calls will return a large number of jobs, so the content in the job summary has to be kept minimal.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID Job ID
name string Name of the job
owner string Owner of the job
owning_team string Owning team of the job
labels .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Label repeated List of user-defined labels for the job
instance_count uint32 Number of instances of the job
respool_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.ResourcePoolID Resource Pool ID where this job belongs to
status JobStatus Job runtime status


QuerySpec specifies the list of query criteria for jobs. All indexed fields should be part of this message. And all fields in this message have to be indexed too.

Field Type Label Description
pagination .peloton.api.v1alpha.query.PaginationSpec The spec of how to do pagination for the query results.
labels .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Label repeated List of labels to query the jobs. Will match all jobs if the list is empty.
keywords string repeated List of keywords to query the jobs. Will match all jobs if the list is empty. When set, will do a wildcard match on owner, name, labels, description.
job_states JobState repeated List of job states to query the jobs. Will match all jobs if the list is empty.
respool .peloton.api.v1alpha.respool.ResourcePoolPath The resource pool to query the jobs. Will match jobs from all resource pools if unset.
owner string Query jobs by owner. This is case sensitive and will look for jobs with owner matching the exact owner string. Will match all jobs if owner is unset.
name string Query jobs by name. This is case sensitive and will look for jobs with name matching the name string. Will support partial name match. Will match all jobs if name is unset.
creation_time_range .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.TimeRange Query jobs by creation time range. This will look for all jobs that were created within a specified time range. This search will operate based on job creation time.
completion_time_range .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.TimeRange Query jobs by completion time range. This will look for all jobs that were completed within a specified time range. This search will operate based on job completion time.


SLA configuration for a stateless job

Field Type Label Description
priority uint32 Priority of a job. Higher value takes priority over lower value when making scheduling decisions as well as preemption decisions.
preemptible bool Whether all the job instances are preemptible. If so, it might be scheduled elastic resources from other resource pools and subject to preemption when the demands of other resource pools increase. For stateless jobs, this field will overrule preemptible configuration in the pod spec.
revocable bool Whether all the job instances are revocable. If so, it might be scheduled using revocable resources and subject to preemption when there is resource contention on the host. For stateless jobs, this field will overrule revocable configuration in the pod spec.
maximum_unavailable_instances uint32 Maximum number of job instances which can be unavailable at a given time.


Configuration of a job update.

Field Type Label Description
batch_size uint32 Batch size for the update which controls how many instances may be updated at the same time.
rollback_on_failure bool If configured, the update be automatically rolled back to the previous job configuration on failure.
max_instance_retries uint32 Maximum number of times a failing instance will be retried during the update. If the value is 0, the instance can be retried for infinite times.
max_tolerable_instance_failures uint32 Maximum number of instance failures before the update is declared to be failed. If the value is 0, there is no limit for max failure instances and the update is marked successful even if all of the instances fail.
start_paused bool If set to true, indicates that the update should start in the paused state, requiring an explicit resume to roll forward.
in_place bool If set to true, peloton would try to place the task restarted/updated on the host it previously run on. It is best effort, and has no guarantee of success.


WorkflowEvents are workflow state change events for a job or pod on workflow operations

Field Type Label Description
type WorkflowType Workflow type.
timestamp string Timestamp of the event represented in RFC3339 form with UTC timezone.
state WorkflowState Current runtime state of the workflow.


Information about a workflow including its status and specification

Field Type Label Description
status WorkflowStatus Workflow status
update_spec UpdateSpec Update specification for update workflow
restart_batch_size uint32 Batch size provided for restart workflow
restart_ranges .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.InstanceIDRange repeated Instance ranges provided for restart workflow
opaque_data .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.OpaqueData Opaque data supplied by the client
events WorkflowEvent repeated job workflow events represents update state changes
instances_added .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.InstanceIDRange repeated Instances added by update workflow
instances_removed .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.InstanceIDRange repeated Instances removed by update workflow
instances_updated .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.InstanceIDRange repeated Instances updated by update workflow


Runtime status of a job workflow.

Field Type Label Description
type WorkflowType Workflow type.
state WorkflowState Current runtime state of the workflow.
num_instances_completed uint32 Number of instances completed.
num_instances_remaining uint32 Number of instances remaining.
num_instances_failed uint32 Number of instances which failed to come up after the workflow.
instances_current uint32 repeated Current instances being operated on.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion Job version the workflow moved the job object to.
prev_version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion Previous job version of the job object.
creation_time string The time when the workflow was created. The time is represented in RFC3339 form with UTC timezone.
update_time string The time when the workflow was last updated. The time is represented in RFC3339 form with UTC timezone.
prev_state WorkflowState Previous runtime state of the workflow.


Runtime states of a Job.

Name Number Description
JOB_STATE_INVALID 0 Invalid job state.
JOB_STATE_INITIALIZED 1 The job has been initialized and persisted in DB.
JOB_STATE_PENDING 2 All tasks have been created and persisted in DB, but no task is RUNNING yet.
JOB_STATE_RUNNING 3 Any of the tasks in the job is in RUNNING state.
JOB_STATE_SUCCEEDED 4 All tasks in the job are in SUCCEEDED state.
JOB_STATE_FAILED 5 All tasks in the job are in terminated state and one or more tasks is in FAILED state.
JOB_STATE_KILLED 6 All tasks in the job are in terminated state and one or more tasks in the job is killed by the user.
JOB_STATE_KILLING 7 All tasks in the job have been requested to be killed by the user.
JOB_STATE_UNINITIALIZED 8 The job is partially created and is not ready to be scheduled
JOB_STATE_DELETED 9 The job has been deleted.


Runtime state of a job workflow.

Name Number Description
WORKFLOW_STATE_INVALID 0 Invalid protobuf value
WORKFLOW_STATE_INITIALIZED 1 The operation has been created but not started yet.
WORKFLOW_STATE_ROLLING_FORWARD 2 The workflow is rolling forward
WORKFLOW_STATE_PAUSED 3 The workflow has been paused
WORKFLOW_STATE_SUCCEEDED 4 The workflow has completed successfully
WORKFLOW_STATE_ABORTED 5 The update was aborted/cancelled
WORKFLOW_STATE_FAILED 6 The workflow has failed to complete.
WORKFLOW_STATE_ROLLING_BACKWARD 7 The update is rolling backward
WORKFLOW_STATE_ROLLED_BACK 8 The update was rolled back due to failure


The different types of job rolling workflows supported.

Name Number Description
WORKFLOW_TYPE_INVALID 0 Invalid protobuf value.
WORKFLOW_TYPE_UPDATE 1 Job update workflow.
WORKFLOW_TYPE_RESTART 2 Restart pods in a job.




CancelRequest is request for method WatchService.Cancel

Field Type Label Description
watch_id uint64 ID of the watch session to cancel.


CancelRequest is response for method WatchService.Cancel Return errors: NOT_FOUND: Watch ID not found


WatchRequest is request for method WatchService.Watch. It specifies the objects that should be monitored for changes.

Field Type Label Description
start_revision uint64 The revision from which to start getting changes. If unspecified, the server will return changes after the current revision. The server may choose to maintain only a limited number of historical revisions; a start revision older than the oldest revision available at the server will result in an error and the watch stream will be closed. Note: Initial implementations will not support historical revisions, so if the client sets a value for this field, it will receive an OUT_OF_RANGE error immediately.
stateless_job_filter Criteria to select the stateless jobs to watch. If unset, no jobs will be watched.
pod_filter Criteria to select the pods to watch. If unset, no pods will be watched.


WatchResponse is response method for WatchService.Watch. It contains the objects that have changed. Return errors: OUT_OF_RANGE: Requested start-revision is too old INVALID_ARGUMENT: Requested start-revision is newer than server revision RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Number of concurrent watches exceeded CANCELLED: Watch cancelled

Field Type Label Description
watch_id uint64 Unique identifier for the watch session
revision uint64 Server revision when the response results were created
stateless_jobs .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.JobSummary repeated Stateless jobs that have changed.
stateless_jobs_not_found .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID repeated Stateless job IDs that were not found.
pods .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.PodSummary repeated Pods that have changed.
pods_not_found .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.PodName repeated Names of pods that were not found.


Watch service defines the methods for getting notifications on changes to Peloton objects. A watch is long-running request where a client specifies the kind of objects that it is interested in as well as a revision, either current or historical. The server continuously streams back changes from that revision till the client cancels the watch (or the connection is lost). The server may support only a limited amount of historical revisions to keep the load on the server reasonable. Historical revisions are mainly provided for clients to recover from transient errors without having to rebuild a snapshot of the system (which can be expensive for both sides). Also, implementations may limit the number of concurrent watch requests that can be serviced so that the server is not overloaded.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
Watch WatchRequest WatchResponse Create a watch to get notified about changes to Peloton objects. Changed objects are streamed back to the caller till the watch is cancelled.
Cancel CancelRequest CancelResponse Cancel a watch. The watch stream will get an error indicating watch was cancelled and the stream will be closed.




Request message for VolumeService.DeleteVolume method.

Field Type Label Description
volume_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.VolumeID volume id for the delete request.


Response message for VolumeService.DeleteVolume method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the volume is not found.


Request message for VolumeService.GetVolumes method.

Field Type Label Description
volume_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.VolumeID the volume id.


Response message for VolumeService.GetVolumes method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the volume is not found.

Field Type Label Description
result .peloton.api.v1alpha.volume.PersistentVolumeInfo volume info result.


Request message for VolumeService.ListVolumes method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID job ID for the volumes.


Response message for VolumeService.ListVolumes method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job is not found.

Field Type Label Description
volumes ListVolumesResponse.VolumesEntry repeated volumes result map from volume uuid to volume info.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value .peloton.api.v1alpha.volume.PersistentVolumeInfo


Volume Manager service interface

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
ListVolumes ListVolumesRequest ListVolumesResponse List associated volumes for given job.
GetVolume GetVolumeRequest GetVolumeResponse Get volume data.
DeleteVolume DeleteVolumeRequest DeleteVolumeResponse Delete a persistent volume.




Request message for JobService.AbortJobWorkflow method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job identifier.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job.
opaque_data .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.OpaqueData Opaque data supplied by the client


Response message for JobService.AbortJobWorkflow method. Response message for JobService.RestartJob method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found. ABORTED: if the job version is invalid.

Field Type Label Description
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The new version of the job.


Request message for JobService.CreateJob method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The unique job UUID specified by the client. This can be used by the client to re-create a deleted job. If unset, the server will create a new UUID for the job for each invocation.
spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.JobSpec The configuration of the job to be created.
secrets .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Secret repeated Experimental: This is a batch feature. The implementation is subject to change (or removal) from stateless. The list of secrets for this job
create_spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.CreateSpec The creation SLA specification.
opaque_data .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.OpaqueData Opaque data supplied by the client


Response message for JobService.CreateJob method. Return errors: ALREADY_EXISTS: if the job ID already exists INVALID_ARGUMENT: if the job ID or job config is invalid. NOT_FOUND: if the resource pool is not found.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job ID of the newly created job. Will be the same as the one in CreateJobRequest if provided. Otherwise, a new job ID will be generated by the server.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job.


Request message for JobService.DeleteJob method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job to be deleted.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job. It is used to implement optimistic concurrency control.
force bool If set to true, it will force a delete of the job even if it is running. The job will be first stopped and deleted. This step cannot be undone, and the job cannot be re-created (with same uuid) till the delete is complete. So, it is recommended to not set force to true.


Response message for JobService.DeleteJob method. Response message for JobService.RestartJob method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found. ABORTED: if the job version is invalid or job is still running. FailedPrecondition: if the job has not been stopped before delete.


Request message for JobService.GetJobCache method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job ID to look up the job.


Response message for JobService.GetJobCache method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found.

Field Type Label Description
spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.JobSpec The job configuration in cache of the matching job.
status .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.JobStatus The job runtime in cache of the matching job.


Request message for JobService.GetJobIDFromJobName method.

Field Type Label Description
job_name string Job name to lookup for job UUID.


Response message for JobService.GetJobIDFromJobName method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job name is not found.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID repeated The job UUIDs for the job name. Job UUIDs are sorted by descending create timestamp.


Request message for JobService.GetJob method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job ID to look up the job.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The version of the job object to fetch. If not provided, then the latest job configuration specification and runtime status are returned. If provided, only the job configuration specification (and no runtime) at a given version is returned.
summary_only bool If set to true, only return the job summary.


Response message for JobService.GetJob method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found.

Field Type Label Description
job_info .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.JobInfo The configuration specification and runtime status of the job.
summary .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.JobSummary The job summary.
secrets .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Secret repeated The list of secrets for this job, secret.Value will be empty. SecretID and path will be populated, so that caller can identify which secret is associated with this job.
workflow_info .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.WorkflowInfo Information about the current/last completed workflow including its state and specification.


Request message for JobService.GetReplaceJobDiffRequest method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job ID to be updated.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job.
spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.JobSpec The new job configuration to be applied.


Response message for JobService.GetReplaceJobDiff method. Return errors: INVALID_ARGUMENT: if the job ID or job config is invalid. NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found. ABORTED: if the job version is invalid.

Field Type Label Description
instances_added .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.InstanceIDRange repeated Instances which are being added
instances_removed .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.InstanceIDRange repeated Instances which are being removed
instances_updated .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.InstanceIDRange repeated Instances which are being updated
instances_unchanged .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.InstanceIDRange repeated Instances which are unchanged


Request message for JobService.GetWorkflowEvents

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job ID to look up the job.
instance_id uint32 The instance to get workflow events.


Response message for JobService.GetWorkflowEvents Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found.

Field Type Label Description
events .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.WorkflowEvent repeated Workflow events for the given workflow


Request message for JobService.ListJobUpdates method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job identifier.


Response message for JobService.ListJobUpdates method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found.

Field Type Label Description
workflow_infos .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.WorkflowInfo repeated


Request message for JobService.ListJobs method.


Response message for JobService.ListJobs method.

Field Type Label Description
jobs .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.JobSummary repeated List of all jobs.


Request message for JobService.ListPods method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job identifier of the pods to list.
range .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.InstanceIDRange The instance ID range of the pods to list. If unset, all pods in the job will be returned.


Response message for JobService.ListPods method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found.

Field Type Label Description
pods .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.PodSummary repeated Pod summary for all matching pods.


Request message for JobService.PatchJob method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job ID to be updated.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job. It is used to implement optimistic concurrency control.
spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.JobSpec The new job configuration to be patched.
secrets .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Secret repeated The list of secrets for this job
update_spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.UpdateSpec The update SLA specification.
opaque_data .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.OpaqueData Opaque data supplied by the client


Response message for JobService.PatchJob method. Return errors: INVALID_ARGUMENT: if the job ID or job config is invalid. NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found. ABORTED: if the job version is invalid.

Field Type Label Description
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The new version of the job.


Request message for JobService.PauseJobWorkflow method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job identifier.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job.
opaque_data .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.OpaqueData Opaque data supplied by the client


Response message for JobService.PauseJobWorkflow method. Response message for JobService.RestartJob method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found. ABORTED: if the job version is invalid.

Field Type Label Description
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The new version of the job.


Request message for JobService.QueryJobs method.

Field Type Label Description
spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.QuerySpec The spec of query criteria for the jobs.


Response message for JobService.QueryJobs method. Return errors: INVALID_ARGUMENT: if the resource pool path or job states are invalid.

Field Type Label Description
records .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.JobSummary repeated List of jobs that match the job query criteria.
pagination .peloton.api.v1alpha.query.Pagination Pagination result of the job query.
spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.QuerySpec Return the spec of query criteria from the request.


Request message for JobService.QueryPods method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job identifier of the pods to query.
spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.QuerySpec The spec of query criteria for the pods.
pagination .peloton.api.v1alpha.query.PaginationSpec The spec of how to do pagination for the query results.
summary_only bool If set to true, only return the pod status and not the configuration.


Response message for JobService.QueryPods method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found.

Field Type Label Description
pods .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.PodInfo repeated List of pods that match the pod query criteria.
pagination .peloton.api.v1alpha.query.Pagination Pagination result of the pod query.


Request message for JobService.RefreshJob method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job ID to look up the job.


Response message for JobService.RefreshJob method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found.


Request message for JobService.ReplaceJob method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job ID to be updated.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job. It is used to implement optimistic concurrency control.
spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.JobSpec The new job configuration to be applied.
secrets .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.Secret repeated The list of secrets for this job
update_spec .peloton.api.v1alpha.job.stateless.UpdateSpec The update SLA specification.
opaque_data .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.OpaqueData Opaque data supplied by the client


Response message for JobService.ReplaceJob method. Return errors: INVALID_ARGUMENT: if the job ID or job config is invalid. NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found. ABORTED: if the job version is invalid.

Field Type Label Description
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The new version of the job.


Request message for JobService.RestartJob method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job to restart.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job. It is used to implement optimistic concurrency control.
batch_size uint32 Batch size for the restart request which controls how many instances may be restarted at the same time.
ranges .peloton.api.v1alpha.pod.InstanceIDRange repeated The pods to restart, default to all.
opaque_data .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.OpaqueData Opaque data supplied by the client


Response message for JobService.RestartJob method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found. ABORTED: if the job version is invalid.

Field Type Label Description
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The new version of the job.


Request message for JobService.ResumeJobWorkflow method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job identifier.
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job.
opaque_data .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.OpaqueData Opaque data supplied by the client


Response message for JobService.ResumeJobWorkflow method. Response message for JobService.RestartJob method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found. ABORTED: if the job version is invalid.

Field Type Label Description
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The new version of the job.


Request message for JobService.StartJob method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job to start
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job. It is used to implement optimistic concurrency control.


Response message for JobService.StartJob method. Response message for JobService.RestartJob method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found. ABORTED: if the job version is invalid.

Field Type Label Description
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The new version of the job.


Request message for JobService.StopJob method.

Field Type Label Description
job_id .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.JobID The job to stop
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The current version of the job. It is used to implement optimistic concurrency control.


Response message for JobService.StopJob method. Response message for JobService.RestartJob method. Return errors: NOT_FOUND: if the job ID is not found. ABORTED: if the job version is invalid.

Field Type Label Description
version .peloton.api.v1alpha.peloton.EntityVersion The new version of the job.


Job service defines the job related methods such as create, get, query and kill jobs.

Methods which mutate the state of the job.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
CreateJob CreateJobRequest CreateJobResponse Create a new job with the given configuration.
ReplaceJob ReplaceJobRequest ReplaceJobResponse Replace the configuration of an existing job with the new configuration. The caller is expected to provide the entire job configuration including the fields which are unchanged.
PatchJob PatchJobRequest PatchJobResponse Patch the configuration of an existing job. The caller is not expected to provide all the configuration fields and can provide only subset (e.g. provide only the fields which have changed). This is not supported yet.
RestartJob RestartJobRequest RestartJobResponse Restart the pods specified in the request.
PauseJobWorkflow PauseJobWorkflowRequest PauseJobWorkflowResponse Pause the current running workflow. If there is no current running workflow, or the current workflow is already paused, then the method is a no-op.
ResumeJobWorkflow ResumeJobWorkflowRequest ResumeJobWorkflowResponse Resume the current running workflow. If there is no current running workflow, or the current workflow is not paused, then the method is a no-op.
AbortJobWorkflow AbortJobWorkflowRequest AbortJobWorkflowResponse Abort the current running workflow. If there is no current running workflow, then the method is a no-op.
StartJob StartJobRequest StartJobResponse Start the pods specified in the request.
StopJob StopJobRequest StopJobResponse Stop the pods specified in the request.
DeleteJob DeleteJobRequest DeleteJobResponse Delete a job and all related state.
GetJob GetJobRequest GetJobResponse Get the configuration and runtime status of a job.
GetJobIDFromJobName GetJobIDFromJobNameRequest GetJobIDFromJobNameResponse Get the job UUID from job name.
GetWorkflowEvents GetWorkflowEventsRequest GetWorkflowEventsResponse Get the events of the current / last completed workflow of a job
ListPods ListPodsRequest ListPodsResponse List all pods in a job for a given range of pod IDs.
QueryPods QueryPodsRequest QueryPodsResponse Query pod info in a job using a set of filters.
QueryJobs QueryJobsRequest QueryJobsResponse Query the jobs using a set of filters. TODO find the appropriate service to put this method in.
ListJobs ListJobsRequest ListJobsResponse Get summary for all jobs. Results are streamed back to the caller in batches and the stream is closed once all results have been sent.
ListJobUpdates ListJobUpdatesRequest ListJobUpdatesResponse List all updates (including current and previously completed) for a given job.
GetReplaceJobDiff GetReplaceJobDiffRequest GetReplaceJobDiffResponse Get the list of instances which will be added/removed/updated if the given job specification is applied via the ReplaceJob API.
RefreshJob RefreshJobRequest RefreshJobResponse Allows user to load job runtime status from the database and re-execute the action associated with current state.
GetJobCache GetJobCacheRequest GetJobCacheResponse Get the job state in the cache.

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Type Java Type Python Type
double double double float
float float float float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long
bool bool boolean boolean
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str